Friday, July 3, 2009

Ok, lets get started. First off some info on me, because I know you are probably saying "what can this white boy possibly tell me about GOOD mexican food?" Well I know a lot more that it looks like I do. I grew up ten minutes from the border, had a plethora of mexican friends growing up, worked in kitchens with... yup, mexicans for 10 years now, and have a mexican girl friend who is the best teacher and cook. I would have to be a complete idiot to not have learned anything all these years. I love to eat, which by the way may come as no surprise to those of you whom have seen the picture on my profile, and I love to cook and learn. By asking my woman, her mom, the other cooks I've worked with, the guys at the taco stands in Tijuana and loads of other sources lots of questions, I have been able to gain an abundant amount of knowledge on the topic of mexican food. And growing up in a white family who was very conservative when it came to different food, I also know what tends to make most "gringos'" stomach turn. The thought of eating head, tongue, eyes, stomach, intestines and all the like can be a little stunning to most. But once you take the chance and try it you discover that no matter where on the beast it came from it can be a beautiful ballet of flavor and texture on the pallet. For those who are like "mmm, no thanks I'm good" I have also been able, out of sheer boredom and fatness, to find alternative ingredients that can get you close but are still a little more easier to digest, mentally, than the true blue. Kind of like near beer for non drinkers. And I know that there is a lot of "I heard that this and that is made from lips and a--holes" going around about some very common foods. And most of the time it couldn't be further from the truth. With this blog I hope to dispel some of those rumors and maybe give more people the courage to try the fantastic bevy of splendor that is in your average street taco or bowl of hangover-be-gone. So check in here, follow along, and maybe even grow a pair as I try and lead you down the gut happy path that is gringo friendly mexican food. Goodnite for now and check back soon for the first installment of the adventure.

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