Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tacos de cabesa (substitue)

Hey yall again. Here is a reciepe that, again, takes a lil bit to do but is hands down my most favorite late nite treat ever. It is a little greasy marrow-y sticky but the flavor is like beefy butter and it just goes down smooth. CABESA (head) is the little jewel im talking about. i have cooked the real thing a couple times. Its a very tidious process and to be honest somewhat diconcerning. Felt like Jack Woltz from " the Godfather". Even though this was cows head and his was a horse its still a big bloody skinless animal head. So I tried to think of a cut of beef with the same characteristics but more "normal" with less eyes. Then I got it, SHORT RIBS.

This is a heck of alot easier to deal with. The basic idea is to steam the ribs all intact until the meat just falls off the bone. The way I did it is as follows...

5 lbs of whole short ribs. (ask your butcher)

1 medium white onion

1 cup garlic whole

salt and pepper to taste

About 2 quarts of water

Place water, garlic, s+p, and onion in a large pot. Biggest one you got. Enough to fit the 5 lbs of whole short ribs in with the water. ok now all you have to do is cover it really really well. Foil and even a wet towel does really good. then put it on your stove and put it on the lowest setting you can and then just forget about it. After you give it about 3-4 hours to cook just check to see if the meat is literally falling off the bone, if it is then you are ready to go. Now smash up the meat and get the bones out and make sure you use the water and everything for extra flavor. Get some tomatillo salsa (basically blended tomatillo peppers, cilantro green onion, roasted jalapenos and salt pepper and lime juice.) corn tortillas, onion and cilantro and get to eating it.

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